3 march 2025 - Community & IRC Server
A new community system has been launched where you can post questions, discuss with other members and leave comments. An experimental phase has begun with migration of blog posts/articles to community "questions".
This also marks the beginning of a unique IRC Chat Server just for linSublim, away from the noise of social media
Everything under the linsublim.com domain
Previously, the linsublim.com was a static website, journey.linsublim.com was for the lessons and community.linsublim.com was planned for the community. Having separate domains was a headache for most people to remember. Instead, we've decided to do a close knit integration on linsublim.com avoid having 3 subdomains.
This took considerable effort.
NIckname/username registration
You can now register an account which will automatically register your nickname on IRC,and create a community forum account. Of course, the most important aspect, you will be able to listen to Somatic Movement Exercises!
The platform was launched. Many different changes exist.