LinSublim IRC Network - Bot Rules

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This network thrives on collaboration, and responsible bots are a valuable addition. However, to maintain a healthy and productive environment, all bots must adhere to the following guidelines:


  1. Mandatory Registration: All bots must be registered on the official LinSublim Bot Directory TODO, will have to be implemented. . This helps us track bots and maintain a secure network.

To register your bot send a message to BotFather on IRC the #bots channel:
!register <ownernick> <botnick> <botdescription>

  1. Owner Information: Provide the owner's registered NickServ nickname, ensuring proper accountability.
  2. Bot Nickname - THe nickname the bot will have once it's implemented
  3. Bot Description: Briefly describe your bot's functionality. What can it do for users?
  4. Optional Code Sharing: Consider linking to your code repository or libraries used. This fosters collaboration and transparency.


  1. Nickname Suffix: Bots must have a nickname ending in "Bot". For example, "Thor" becomes "ThorBot". This ensures clear distinction between bots and regular users.
  2. #bots Channel: Join the dedicated #bots channel. This is a space to get support and list all current bots on the network, we want to collaborate.


  1. Bot Mode: Set bot mode using /mode <botnick> +B. This allows people to track bots.
  2. Respectful Interaction: Maintain a polite and non-intrusive presence. Harassment or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
  3. Privacy Respect: Bots, specifically AI bots must prioritize privacy. Implement an opt-in process for data processing within channels, and allow users to opt-out at any time. Provide settings panels for user control over their data. If you're just starting out withbots, make sure you're not sending the chat data anywhere and keep it safe, that's all.

AI and LLM Usage Restrictions

While we encourage the use of AI to enhance user experience, the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) that analyze user data or conversations on the network is strictly prohibited.

Always ask yourself if what you're trying to achieve can be done without the use of external AI services and by using basic programming. In 99% of the cases that's possible.

Permitted AI Functionality

AI-powered tools and services that provide specific functionalities without analyzing user data are allowed. These include:

  • Moderation tools: AI-driven tools that can automatically detect and filter harmful content. - Consider if using REGEX wouldn't be better?
  • Translation tools: AI-powered translation tools that can translate messages between different languages.
  • Other AI-powered tools: Any AI-powered tool that enhances the user experience without compromising privacy. Meaning you're hosting your own your own AI systems and not using any 3rd party AI.

Be careful, AI LLM's and other tools which generate videos, images can be used to create and spread fake news and fake information which is against our rules.

Data Privacy and Security

All AI-powered tools and services must adhere to strict data privacy and security standards. User data must be treated with the utmost care and protected from unauthorized access. YOU will be solely responsible for complying with GDPR and privacy laws.

Violations and Consequences

Any bot or service found to be violating these rules may be subject to immediate action, including banning.

Usefull bot suffix exemption

  • Useful Bots: Bots deemed exceptionally helpful by the server operators/admins may be granted a nickname suffix exemption.

By registering and following these guidelines, you contribute to a safe, enjoyable and secure bot ecosystem on the LinSublim IRC Network.

Happy Botting!

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