Scientific Research LinSublim Somatics

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This page contains links to various scientific literature regarding to many of the implemented features of LinSublim Somatic Education.

We invite you to explore the wonderful world of somatics and start reading. However, the fastest way to participate in the scientific inquiry is to Take a break, do a lesson and feel the the benefits.

The book "The Brain's Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity" explains Somatic Education inditrectly through explaining Neuroplasticity which is the main goal of LinSublim. Two chapters are dedicated to Moshe Feldenkrais' and his method, which form a foundational part of Lin Sublim Somatic Education. Another chapter talks about chronic pain, which can be completely eliminated by using Lin Sublim.

"The Body Electric by Robert O becker" a Nobel Prize winner - Details the regenerative power of our body.

This page is still work in progress, meaning new research will be added and most links are not organized.

Effects on low back and neck pain Hanna somatic education Thomas hanna Somatic education - Effects on low back and neck pain

Jacobson relaxation technique The Neuroprotective Effects of Exercise: Maintaining a Healthy Brain Throughout Aging

Studies showing Somatic Education efficiency

Studies showing how taking short breaks may help our brains learn new skills, including sensory and kinesthetic learning:

NSDR Training attention for conscious non-REM sleep: The yogic practice of yoga-nidrā and its implications for neuroscience research - LinSublim uses various body scan techniques which have the same effects. At the beginning, during and the end of every lesson. Gaining even more benefits.

How come LinSublim somatics helps you regulate your emotions, anxiety and get rid of depression?

Somatosensory cortical excitability changes precede those in motor cortex
during human motor learning

Since the pioneering work of Penfield and his colleagues in the 1930s, the somatosensory cortex, which is located on the postcentral gyrus, has been known for its central role in processing sensory information from various parts of the body. More recently, a converging body of literature has shown that the somatosensory cortex also plays an important role in each stage of emotional processing, including identification of emotional significance in a stimulus, generation of emotional states, and regulation of emotion. So by doing the specific movements, we indirectly affect and regulate our emotions.

From anatomy to function: the role of the somatosensory cortex in emotional regulation

The fact that you can get rid of anxiety by just moving is mind boggling 1

Additional reading

Clinical Somatic Education A New Discipline in the Field of Health Care

Exercise facilitates regeneration after severe nerve transection and further modulates neural plasticity

Attentional Focus Strategies to Improve Motor Performance in Older Adults: A Systematic Review

Mindfulness happy productive

Mindfulness Can Make You Happy-and-Productive:
A Mindfulness Controlled Trial and Its Effects
on Happiness, Work Engagement and Performance

Body Awareness: a phenomenological inquiry into the common ground of mind-body therapies 2

This is extracted from the research:
Enhancing body awareness has been described as a key element or a mechanism of action for therapeutic.
Embodied self awareness -> emergent self organization and wholeness
Greater unity between body and self -> SOMA integration
non-judgmental 'mindfulness'
Effects seen in patients variety of medical conditions including chronic low back pain[18–22], pelvic pain[23, 24], fibromyalgia[25–27], musculoskeletal pain[28, 29], chronic pain in general[29, 30], disordered eating and obesity[3, 31, 32], irritable bowel syndrome[33], sexual abuse trauma[4, 34], coronary artery disease[35, 36], congestive heart failure[37], chronic renal failure[38], falls in the elderly[39], anxiety[40–42] and depression[43].

Body self awareness involves an attentional focus on and awareness of internal body sensations. (proprioception interoception in consciousness)
and is modifiable by mental processes including attention, interpretation, appraisal, beliefs, memories, conditioning, attitudes and affect
Ability to recognize subtle body cues -> it may be useful in the management of chronic diseases such as chronic low back pain[18, 46], congestive heart failure[37], chronic renal failure[38], and irritable bowel syndrome[47].


Please review this community forum for specific articles detailing specific issues where I have many more links to research papers which I may have not included here.

There are hundreds of other research papers which are extremely scientific and each explain single elements of why we do something the way we do it during LinSublim Somatics:).

  1. Kolt GS, McConville JC: The effects of a Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement program on state anxiety. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapy. 2000, 4 (3): 216-220. 10.1054/jbmt.2000.0179. 10.1054/jbmt.2000.0179 ↩︎

  2. Mehling, W.E., Wrubel, J., Daubenmier, J.J. et al. Body Awareness: a phenomenological inquiry into the common ground of mind-body therapies. Philos Ethics Humanit Med 6, 6 (2011). ↩︎

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