Terms of Service

Any refference to LinSublim, Somatic Education, Lessons or anyother official domain connected to LinSublim refers to LinSublim itself unless otherwise stated.

Terms and Conditions

Participation to any LinSublim classes, audio lessons or individual sessions means you’ve accepted these terms and conditions.

All sales are final and refunds are not possible. Subscriptions are nominal, meaning, on your name and for you only. They can be transmitted to other people only with prior approval by the LinSublim admins.

LinSublim is not stretching or physical exercise. They are neurplastic lessons which utilize movement as a vehicle to create new neuronal connections or revive old ones with your musculature and nervous system.

All movements are to be done without force or pain.

We’re not responsible for the fact that you might do a lesson wrong, with force or have provoked pain or discomfort. LinSublim lessons are meant to be done in a pleasurable manner just like in a meditation or flow state. When something is painful, please do a smaller movement or do the movement in your imagination

By buying and accessing any content here I hereby release LinSublim and any company operating in the name of LinSublim from any responsibility form any injuries, damage, or discomfort which may occur during or after participating in any live class or while listening to any live streaming or recording of a lesson/class.

You have received the approval from YOUR doctor to follow any exercises, and You don’t have any contraindications. YOu take full responsibility for your actions.


Monthly/Yearly subscriptions offer you streaming access to prerecorded lessons as long as your subscription is paid and valid.

Subscriptions do not allow downloading of the content. Any unauthorized downloading of audio/video lessons is prohibited and entails consequences in accordance with the current criminal code and copyright protection laws.

It is impossible to refund the value of any lesson. Once the account is created, you accept the terms and conditions. These terms and conditions apply both to pre-recorded lessons, those in streaming mode and to physical ones in the case of marketing-type demonstrations.

Pricing for USD, RON, EURO is fixed and thus differs. Pricing is not fixed on fluctuating currency and are based on psychological pricing.

Purchase of digital content, courses and lessons

The purchase of pre-recorded digital audio or video content with individual lessons or modules will allow you to download them and use them for personal purposes.

Purchased courses have unlimited validity, as long as the platform is functional and you’re using the same account to access them which you used when registering.

Each account is personal and cannot be shared with anyone else. If you want other acquaintances of yours to benefit from these lessons, you can buy them gift cards or give them access to register.

We reserve the right to suspend accounts if we detect any violation of the terms and conditions. The suspension is at the supplier’s discretion and can be done without motivation.

In case of discovery of intellectual property infringement through unauthorized distribution, you are liable to payment of a tax/fine of $2500 USD up to $25.000 USD.

Accessing Lessons

Moreover, by registering and participating in any course, workshop, be it physical or digital, you implicitly accept these terms and conditions

The use of the platform and the purchased content will be done by the user through a browser, the Internet connection being necessary. We recommend accessing through the latest version of the Firefox/LibreWolf browser. Access can be done via tablet, mobile phone, computer with an updated modern operating system (windows, linux, macos) and an updated browser.

Access to the content is allowed as long as there is a valid and paid subscription.

Online Workshops and Group Lessons

Also, the user allows us to register any class online through digital media and/or in physical locations in any format, audio, video, etc. It is the user’s responsibility to adjust their audio/video options if they do not want to be recorded during an online class.

Disclaimer Medical

DISCLAIMER: THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE This information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, video, audio and other material contained on this website are for informationnal purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a subsitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

Limitation of liability No liability, warranty or indemnity. IN any case, even in court of law, maximum limit of $750.00 USD